
NomUrsus C-4011
Nom du
Taille101,80 Mo
Description Price: 18000 € Power: 52 hp Category: small tractors New tractor model. New wheel model. New Specular. New normal map. Improved cab models + 3 new cabins. Separately attached turret T261. New Tur and accessories from Ursus. New wheel and weight configurations added. configurable front weight IC panel added (SIMPLE IC mod needed for this). Added some new colors. Improved tractor power and tractor weight. Improved clock backlight. Changelog: Corrected front lights in ursus c355M. Improved cabin door opening Sokolka.
Space character not recommended in filename: 'textures/textures/Potrzebne Do'
DDS texture file 'textures/textures/Potrzebne Do' is too big. Size 21.33 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
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PNG texture files not recommended. 9 found (max. 0)